(很抱歉的不負責翻譯 Sorry about my poor english, but i triedㅠㅠ.)



Recently the Japan Diet TV show replayed.

同事玫茵看了節目 有感而發地傳簡訊給我

Melody watched it and felt touched .

Then she sent me a message.

她說節目很激勵人心 同時很佩服我 畢竟我沒有人給我推脂 哈

She said the show inspired and  admired me.

After all, no one helped me pushing my fat!



And yesterday Sylvia chatted with me.


She said about few month ago, she came to my house.


Found that kero and me became so FAT!


She didn't want to hurt us but just asked me: Are u getting weight?


At that moment, this was our attitude: Yes!Now is the TOP of my life.

內心雖知道自己變胖 但完全沒有想要改變的意思

In my deeply heart  i knew that i got fat, but i do not want to change.


instead of badly giving it up!

現在回想當時的自己 好糟糕!

Now i recalled and felt i was awful.


今早上班 在樓下遇到警衛伯伯

This morning i went to office and met the old security.

他再次對我說: 你瘦到 我都認不出來了!

He said to me again: You are too thin and pretty hard to recognize!


Was i extremely Fat before? 

It seemed like i was so fat to my eyes and cannot see any thing of my mind.

不過說實在 聽到這樣的話 真的滿開心的

But actually when i heard that i'm so happy about it!


There is nothing i can show off in my simple life


This time,the diet record of the body slim, i should be proud of it! 



These two days,

有位朋友 告訴我 為了健康也想開始減肥

A friend  told me he wanted to start diet for health. 

有位朋友 把我當榜樣 現在每天也很努力騎腳踏車

A friend   she was so proud of me and now she went cycling strenuously everyday.

有位朋友 從胖子慢慢變為準瘦子 而他自信的表情 也是我前進的動力 河堤運動讓我們再次相遇

A friend  Slowly becomes thin, her confidence keeps me moving on.

We did exercise by the dyke and met each other again .

有位媽媽的朋友的女兒 從120kg瘦到50kg 終於踏出家門 擁抱世界

A daughter of my mom's friend   from 120 kg to 50 kg, she finally walks out and hugs to the world.


Originally we indeed not thin,



為了 最重要的健康 

For the most important thing of health

為了 穿好看得衣服

For weaning beautiful clothes

為了 給自己更多的自信

For more confidence

為了 站在瘦子旁邊沒有那麼突兀 

For standing like a normal person

為了 招來幸福的桃花XD

For greeting the real LoveXD

為了 更多不得不瘦的理由.....

For   more and more reasons to be slim….

我們都有同樣的目標 就是 成為一個瘦子!

We all have the same goal is to become a thin person!




How can i say that on my way to diet is lonely?

身邊不就這麼多人和我一樣 正在忍受美食的誘惑

Just like me, people are also enduring the temptation of food.


That's why we definitely cannot no longer give up yourself!

堅持下去吧~減肥的你 我們一起加油!

Keep it going~Come on and never give up, slimmers!

    創作者 莎拉醬 的頭像

    你好,我是莎拉小姐。莎拉醬。私は サラちゃんです。나는 사라이에요. I am Sarah Lu.

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